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    Academy & Curriculum Building

    Leadership development courses and curriculum designed and run by our extensive network of professors and coaches (Harvard, Cambridge, INSEAD, CEIBS, Stanford)

    Experiential Courses

    • leadership in action
    • fully immersive
    • no slides
    • no lectures

    Leadership Simulations

    Real-life case-based role-play simulations in (virtual) boardroom settings or outdoors.

    iDentity & Leadership
    Development Coaching

    A personal development curriculum is the capstone module that is usually reserved for AMPs, CEOs and other top level executive programmes.

    Module Workshops

    Interactive plenary workshops based on the latest research around the psychology of leadership and leader development.

    What’s unique about
    our academy building & curriculum approach?

    • The newest state-of-the-art research from the University of Cambridge
    • Access to a network of executive coaches, clinical, organisational psychologists and professors from the best business schools and universities globally
    • Industry professionals with decades-long experience in C-suite and board level jobs
    • Science-based, clinical and at the same time, in action

    Contact us

    If you want to learn more about how we can work with you or you would like a tailored-made solution, reach out to us.